
Politics Here

Its a hot and pivotal time for politics in Ecuador. At the end of September, the people will be voting on a new constitution, which if passed will start a transition into Socialismo. The poor sector of the population seems to be all for it because for the most part it will take from the rich and benefit them. Even the children know that new school uniforms will come with a ¨Yes¨ vote. The richer sector however claims the poor are misinformed, uneducated (most don´t understant what the new consitution entails), and don´t want to lose the capitalist society they have worked for. The economic gap here is astounding, a tell tale sign of the developing world.

Everyday, new sights seem to shock us into the reality of our world apart from our own affluency. We realize all the time how blessed we are!


Casa Victoria

So crazy... but the last few days us girls have been staying at this house called Casa Victoria in perhaps one of the sketchiest barrios of Quito but its this awesome Christian community house that has graciously invited us in! We've been eating like kings here and stalking up on delicious meals to last us the anticipated days to come of peanut butter and bananas.

Some activities we have been enjoying:
-Mitad del Mundo (center of the earth)
-Pretending to learn spanish (j/k, i think we actually may be)
-Panaderia hopping (we may or may not be obsessed)
-Bartering for llama textiles
-Watching Spanish flicks
-Soccer pick up games with Ecuatorian children
-South America's largest mercado
-Hammock reading at an Andean countryside getaway
-Being lost in who-knows-where jungle thanks to the
similarities of "laguna" y "la luna" and our quechua speaking friend
-Becoming Quito navigational professionals
-Rescuing street borrachos (drunks)
-Any fruita tu quieres in the form of $.50 jugo from our fave...Nancy
-Recovering from sketch hostel situations
-Getting robbed by sneaky frickin Claudia bus thief (& CO)... aka
chicitos under the seat...whoopsies
-And learning from the same woman to carry a switchblade on buses
-Partying in a taxi turned discoteque with Patricio
-Buying street food and minor cases of diarrhea (tapeworm tal vez)
-City bus races (es loco)
-.....Looking forward to more adventures to come!


First Impressions

1. ecuadorians are honk happy
2. toilet paper does not go in the toilet
3. horror movies are shown on buses
4. buses are also passing happy on crazy
windy roads
5. its freezing and no buildings are contained
6. who knew? Quito is the second highest
capital in the world
7. the poorest people still own tv´s
8. broken glass= barbed wire in these parts
9. the news is all graphic blood and guts
10. 70% of the country lives below the poverty
11. due to the poverty, everything is fried
because ovens are too expensive
12. foreigners know more about American
politics than we do
13. you can get full off an Almuerzo for $1.50
14. there is nothing close to any type of health
code...or safety code for that matter
15. meat is never refridgerated and always
butchered in front of you
16. locals love telling you about their family
in the United States...wierd
17. coca candy does not contain cocaine
18. fanta tastes 100xs better when you
haven´t eaten in 2 days
19. who knew chocolate covered bananas
could bring so much joy
20. the fruit selection here is unbelievable