
Politics Here

Its a hot and pivotal time for politics in Ecuador. At the end of September, the people will be voting on a new constitution, which if passed will start a transition into Socialismo. The poor sector of the population seems to be all for it because for the most part it will take from the rich and benefit them. Even the children know that new school uniforms will come with a ¨Yes¨ vote. The richer sector however claims the poor are misinformed, uneducated (most don´t understant what the new consitution entails), and don´t want to lose the capitalist society they have worked for. The economic gap here is astounding, a tell tale sign of the developing world.

Everyday, new sights seem to shock us into the reality of our world apart from our own affluency. We realize all the time how blessed we are!


Anonymous said...

Hey girl,

Wow- that's really interesting about the politics in Ecuador. Over here in NY- the Summit meetings for the UN have started this week. On Mon a TON of Jewish people were protesting the President of Iran's visit and today, policemen, cop cars, black SUVS, motorcades, ambulances, and secret security were ALL OVER THE PLACE. Bush is here so the place is swamped.

Anyways I'm thinking about you and missing you and wishing I was with you. Lots of love being sent over to you....right....about...now!!!

Jessidy said...

Hey girlies,
your video camera made it home safe and sound. Call me when you get home an I'll mail it to you. Can't wait to stay updated on your trip!! Enjoy!!!
Love.. Cass

Anonymous said...

Lalia mi amor (and Jordan and Laura of course!)~
I miss you so and I can not believe all of the adventures you girls are seeking out- Sara and I are utterly thrilled for you all! South America seems like a dream to travel through and I can not wait to hear all the stories when you get home, which seems like forever right now. Ive been praying for you girls and hope you are enjoying every moment of this amazing blessing. I love you!!!!! Take care and we all, Jess and Sara and I, miss you soooo much! PS we feel like you are in a different world, like you just disappeared...i hate that