
Morning Tea

We are not used to being spoiled like this...
A friendly knock at our tent and a welcome world with hand delivered tea every morning!
This is just one of the many delights of our last trek...the Salkantay Trek that took us to Machu Pichu.
We strongly debated going the cheap/quicker (though really not that cheap) route to the big destination but had to remind ourselves we are here to take in and enjoy, not check things off the good ol´list.
A hard bargained $160 got us an awesome group turned family for a week, surprisingly good Peruvian meals plus tea time (popcorn, cookies, and tea every afternoon), Edwin (our softspoken, very knowledgable, kind guide who reminds us of a little boy), awesome natural hot springs, tons of microclimates, 177 black fly bites on one leg (true!), and horses to carry our packs!
Machu Pichu was incredible... we kind of expected it to be cool but just what we´ve seen so many times in pictures, but it was unbelievable. Thank goodness too because the 1,000 step hike up was far from leisurly. The Incas are ridiculous... I´ve never been so intrigued by history or ruins for that matter- well worth the walk, the crowds, and our now lack of sleep due to uncontrolable itching!

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