
Huanchaco at sunset
(typical fishing boats)

Dinner with the Risconi´s
(Argentine missionaries in Peru)

Spanish classes in Quito

Shoot...more to come, technical difficulties


Anonymous said...

Hello Jordan!

I met you at the Loki hostel in Cusco a while ago and you told me about the blog.

We were sitting round the breakfast table taking a self timed photo and you jumped in!

I hope all your money worries are sorted. And that you're having a nice time.

Send me a message on meic_p @ hotmail . com if you want me to email you the pic.


Kaitlin said...

I did a little snooping on fb and so glad to find this blog! i've been wondering how jordy's traipsing around sa has gone. so glad to hear you're alive, and I mean really alive, like you're living life the way I hope to once i get gradumakated.
Peace, friend!