
Picture Freedom

Biking vineyard to vineyard in Mendoza

View from the hostel in Bariloche

El Chalten (home to Fitz Roy)

After our whale watching tour

Rocking the 80 onzies on our Torres Del Paine trek
(surprisingly the most helpful piece of clothing we could have brought)

Streets of Mendoza (most beautiful city yet)

Drinking mate with one of my many bus flings

Simple pleasures

Typical landscape of Patagonia (minus the towering horizon of mountains)

Trying to take a pic but inhibited by the 55mph winds

Fruit foraging in a mulberry tree

Lalia disappointed yet again by the typical Argentine bus lunch of 3 ham and cheese sandwiches
(bus cama however is a very different story... wine, good beef, great flics)

Glacier Moreno (outside of El Calafate)

You would think she would remember by now

Wind, wind, and more wind

1 comment:

DAn said...

Jordan I am so proud of your no hands bike riding skills. Especially in the high socks.